For class this week, we had a debate on whether Net Neutrality regulation is necessary. As passionate as one may be (in this case me) about the issue, we had to leave our opinions aside and focus on the resolution that "Net Neutrality Regulation was unnecessary". I was on the pro side (and we won!). The debate not only added to my know-what of the whole issue, but also from the dangers of letting govt. get involved. Some dangers include infringing on people's access to information, interfering with free market, hindering innovation, management costs that would be borne by the taxpayers,and the how-what-why-where-when regulation would be carried out. The biggest question I guess is C
AN GOVERNMENT BE TRUSTED TO REGULATE INFORMATION CONTENT ON THE INTERNET? Given their inefficienty in times past with use management of the ARPANET, the far from below expectations from recent examples (SEC vs. BOA), and the fact that rules to protect the consumer are already in place, I personally arrived at the conclusion to best let the internet be and engage the powers of demand and supply.
How To Develop a Business Plan
The prof introduced us to a very relevant topic. For any business to be successful, one has to draw up a business plan/model as to how Goals and objectives will be met. He broke the up into the following categories:
- Value Proposition
- Marketing Strategy
- Management Team
- Competitive Strategy
- Competitive Environment
- Revenue Model
- Market Opportunity
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